
Cihan Insurance Company

Cihan Insurance Company is a private Joint stock company provide different type of Insurance servives in Iraq.



Cihan Insurance Company is registered company with licence no 24 / 2010 in May 2010 from Ministry of finance - Diwan Al Tamin. Cihan inurance company received its licences with No 1396 in 13rd April 2017 from Ministry of Economics and Finance Kurdistan Region Government.



President's Message

President's Message

Cihan Insurance Company will do all efforts to improve insurance srvices in Iraq and make insurance services available to customer to protect their cars and property from possible risks and privide insurance services with a competitive fair prices.

Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission

Vision: Cihan Insurance Company will aim to improve insurance services in Iraq and provide best insurance services for its customer with a high quality.

Mission: Cihan Insurance Company will provide insurance services with a high quality in a compatitive fair prices.

Management Team

Management Team



Branches & Locations

Branches & Locations

Erbil Headquarter
Cihan Plaza, Kerkuk Road, Erbil, Iraq

Phone : 009647503696206
  : 00967508686278